Apps To Help With Wellbeing And Mental Health
Your mental health and general wellbeing are so important. Often, in the modern world that we live in, we can feel as though we are being bombarded with technology, which can in itself be a cause of stress and anxiety.
However, there are actually lots of apps out there which aim to help with mental health and wellbeing, giving you an escape from the everyday stresses and strains.
Read on to find out which apps are great when it comes to helping with wellbeing and mental health.
If you have ever wanted to try meditation but didn’t know where to begin, then the Headspace app is for you.
It uses proven meditation and mindfulness techniques to help you train your mind so that you stress less, sleep better, manage anxiety and sharpen concentration.
Mindshift is an app designed for teenagers and young adults suffering with anxiety.
It helps you to ride out the emotions and feelings you get when you are anxious, learning how to cope with them instead of avoiding them.
Flowy is a truly unique app that uses the science of breathing to help ease anxiety and calm you down.
It works as a game to help slow down breathing and allow users to relax and become more centred.
If you have ever struggled to keep track of your moods, then the Optimism app could be just what you need.
It helps you to monitor your daily mood, express how you are feeling and any other factors that may affect your mood that day.
This way, you can look for patterns and mood shifts in order to better understand why you are feeling the way you do.
Calm harm
Calm Harm is an app for self-harmers.
It helps to distract you when you feel the urge to self-harm, allows you to express your feelings in a different way and also offers comfort.
It also enables you to track your progress, in the hope that you can break away from self-harm habits.
Live happy
Live Happy is an app focused around happiness, and encourages the user to try different activities and techniques in order to be happier.
It helps to promote optimism, and allows you to set goals, think about your best possible self and be more mindful.