The Power Of Going For A Walk
Taking a walk everyday is a rewarding habit that can change your life for the better.
Not only will walking improve your physical fitness, it gives you a chance to think, socialise, be creative and learn more about yourself.
In this article, I’ll share the many incredible benefits you gain by walking every day.
You will be surprised by how transformative and useful this simple habit can be.
Walking reduces stress
If you suffer from stress, you aren’t alone.
In the past year, 74% of UK citizens experienced stress so bad that they felt overwhelmed and unable to cope.
Stress is an insidious condition that can affect many aspects of your life including your mental health, relationships, and work performance.
Researchers have even discovered that stress contributes to diseases like obesity, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes.
Fortunately, you have many options for reducing stress, including going for walk everyday.
Walking through green spaces can put your brain into a meditative state, which has a very calming effect and has been proven to reduce stress levels.
Walking will boost your mood
After a long day at work, it often takes a couple of glasses of wine or some chocolate to relax and lift your mood.
Walking will give you the same benefit — without the additional calories.
It works by boosting endorphin levels, which are the “feel good” brain chemicals released by your brain after exercise.
Endorphins will help you feel calm, happy, and very relaxed.
Walking gives you time to think
It can often be difficult to find time to gather your thoughts during a busy day.
Having 30-minutes set aside for walking gives you the perfect opportunity to really think about your life and where you are headed.
You can spend the time thinking about your long-term goals, how to grow your business, ways to improve your relationships — whichever part of your life needs some attention.
Walking is excellent aerobic exercise
One of the obvious benefits of going for a walk everyday is that you will improve your health and fitness.
Walking will help you:
- Improve the health of your cardiovascular system
- Maintain a healthy weight
- Improve muscle tone
- Strengthen your bones
- Reduce the risk of medical conditions like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure
Because walking is a low intensity form of exercise, it is particularly useful for people who are interested in losing weight or just getting back into fitness.
Walking gives you more energy
Finding enough energy to get through the day can be challenging!
Walking will help by improving your endurance, strengthening muscles, and improving aerobic capacity.
You will find it easier to walk around at work and will still have the energy necessary to play with the kids or pets when you get home.
Walking boosts your creativity and improves your memory
Sending time in nature can dramatically improve your creativity.
Watching the falling leaves in Autumn, feeling the crisp Winter air on your skin, or watching a beautiful sunset in Summer are all incredibly inspiring.
You can draw on this inspiration to find creative solutions for any challenges you currently face in your life.
Researchers have also discovered that walking in a park can improve a person’s memory and attention.
The study found that participants who walked in a park had a 20% improvement in their short term memory.
You will find that walking every day provides tangible benefits for other parts of your life.
Walking is an opportunity for social interaction
Walking is an excellent opportunity to spend time with the people you care about.
You can encourage your partner, children, and friends to go on a daily walk.
It’s the perfect way to spend more quality time with people you love and talk about the things that really matter.
Getting to know your community
Walking around your neighbourhood is also a great way to meet the locals.
All you need to do is say hello to the people you walk past and before you know it, you will be having a conversation and meeting someone new.
This will improve how connected you feel with your local community and give you a sense of belonging.
Walking gives you time to deal with emotions
If you have a rough day at work and are feeling some negative emotions, the last thing you want to do is to take it out on friends and family when you get home.
Going for a walk acts as a circuit breaker, helping you let go of any negative emotions you are experiencing before you interact with your loved ones.
You will look great
Going for a walk everyday will help you lose weight and develop toned leg muscles.
You will look as good as you feel!