
Ten Tips For Keeping Your Heart Healthy

A healthy heart is the key to a long and healthy life.

However, many people often fail to look after it properly and often pay the price.

Whether you’re on a path to recovery or you simply want to make sure you stay healthy, these tips will help keep your heart ticking away.

No smoking

It may seem obvious but if you want to keep a healthy heart, you need to stay away from cigarettes and tobacco products.

The tar and toxins found in tobacco can cause serious and long-lasting problems such as heart disease and cancer.

Minimise saturated fat

Excessive amounts of saturated fat can drastically increase cholesterol levels in the blood. This hinders circulation and can cause serious damage to the heart.

Try to choose foods that are low in saturated fat.

Eat more fruit and veg

Getting the right amount of vitamins and minerals into your system is a great way of keeping your heart healthy.

Regularly eating fruit and vegetables increases energy levels and promotes a healthy circulatory system.

Get some exercise

You don’t need to run a marathon every month to stay healthy but regular exercise is one of the best ways to keep your heart pumping healthily.

Jogging, walking, swimming and cycling are all great forms of cardio exercise.

Reduce salt levels

Large amounts of sodium in your diet can lead to high blood pressure levels which are not good for your heart.

When shopping, look at the nutritional information on food and go for options with reduced salt.

Drink less alcohol

There’s nothing wrong with a glass of wine every now and then but it’s important to minimise your alcohol consumption to put less pressure on your heart and keep your blood pressure down.

Reduce stress

Stress is one of the most common causes of high blood pressure and can often be the root cause of heart issues.
Try to reduce stress as much as possible in all areas of your life.

Watch your weight

Statistics have shown that being overweight can have a negative impact on your heart.

Try always eating right and get regular exercise so you stay at a healthy weight.

Get more fibre

Fibre is known to reduce the risk of heart disease while improving the digestive system and the overall workings of the body.

Try to eat foods that have a good amount of dietary fibre such as whole grains and vegetables.

Maintain blood sugar levels

Always keep an eye on your blood sugar levels and ensure that you aren’t consuming excessive amounts of refined sugar.

This will help reduce blood pressure.

author: Stephen Coleclough

Stephen Coleclough is a leading international and domestic tax consultant who specialises in solving complex problems. As well as advising on tax matters, Stephen also enjoys exploring topics relating to physical and mental wellbeing. You can follow him on Twitter at SColeclough.


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