5 Of My Favourite Motivational TED Talks
TED has become an invaluable source of information and inspiration for millions of people all over the world.
From entertainers to business owners, the TED stages have hosted some of the most brilliant minds and dazzling personalities in the world.
If you’re struggling to get motivated or you’re in need of some inspiration, here are some of our favourite TED Talks that are sure to get the ball rolling.
Richard Branson: Life at 30,000ft
There’s no better way to motivate yourself than by hearing the story of someone who has been where you are and managed to make their way to the top.
If you’re a struggling entrepreneur and you’re having trouble getting things off the ground, this talk by Richard Branson will help give you a new perspective on things.
The business mogul is one of the world’s most famous entrepreneurs and in this talk, you will learn all about his journey.
Dan Pink: The Puzzle of Motivation
This in-depth talk from Dan Pink goes beyond inspirational quotes and delves into the science behind motivation by looking at the history of business and how we need to develop new and more relevant concepts.
Dan Pink is a career analyst and The Puzzle of Motivation focuses on the social science behind motivation and will open your eyes to a new way of thinking.
Elizabeth Gilbert: Success, Failure and the Drive to Keep Creating
Elizabeth Gilbert gained a lot of recognition after publishing her memoir, Eat, Pray Love and has since become a source of inspiration and advice for millions of people around the world.
Her TED Talk highlights her experiences with both success and rejection with the core focus on the importance of always moving forward and striving to succeed.
Susan Cain: The Power of Introverts
For any introverts that often feel like they are undervalued or lacking as many opportunities, this talk by Susan Cain will help you get motivated.
Based on her popular book of the same name, the TED Talk brings to light the benefits of being introvert and how it can be a positive thing, despite often being seen as a disadvantage.
Emilie Wapnick: Why Some of Us Don’t Have One True Calling
There are those lucky few who manage to find their calling early on in life and have a goal to strive towards but for many, it’s not so easy.
In this insightful and inspirational TED Talk, Emilie Wapnick looks at how you can still find happiness and make a positive impression on the world if you don’t stick to one thing.
This is a must-see for anyone struggling to find their way personally or professionally.