Archive for category: Life

The Link Between Sleep And Heart Health

If you are one of those people who tosses and turns in bed every night, you already know how a lack of sleep can affect your quality of life and productivity levels. Unfortunately, the ramifications of not sleeping well extend far beyond struggling to get out of bed in the morning. There are now sev...


The Benefits Of Music Therapy

If you are a music lover, you already know how much good music can change your mood. A piece like Morning from Grieg’s Peer Gynt Suite clearly has an affect on the listener — bringing forward feelings of peace, calm and happiness. Great music can trigger powerful thoughts and emotions, bring back ce...


7 Common Triggers Of Anxiety In Adulthood

Recent figures published by Anxiety UK indicate that more than three million people living in the United Kingdom have an anxiety disorder. Their research also shows that one in ten people are at risk of having a severe anxiety disorder that significantly disrupts their life. Many incidences of anxie...


5 Motivational Tips For Self Improvement

If you want to enjoy a successful and satisfying life, you will need to continually improve yourself. However, it can often be difficult to find the motivation required to spend time enhancing your fitness, knowledge, and relationships. This article will help by providing some simple tips that will...